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Celebrating a Decade of Innovation: i-sense 10 Year Anniversary and Diagnostics Conference

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In a commemoration of scientific progress and collaborative achievements, i-sense IRC recently marked its 10 year anniversary with a captivating two-day event. This event brought together a distinguished array of alumni and professionals from policy, industry, and academia, to showcase advancements in the field of diagnostics and explore the future of surveillance and diagnostic development across infectious diseases and AMR. With diverse presentations, panel discussions, and poster sessions, the event exemplified the spirit of innovation and collaboration that has defined i-sense over the past decade.

Day one brought back alumni from around the globe, now occupying influential positions in various sectors including policy, industry, and academia. Alumni commemorated the collective achievements of the i-sense community, sharing valuable experiences and inspiring early career researchers and PhD students within i-sense through presentations and alumni career panels. The event also showcased the outstanding research of i-sense PhD students and postdocs through poster presentations sessions.

Talks were provided by the leads of each i-sense flagship: Track, Test, and Treat. The flagship leads shared the progress, breakthroughs, and future directions of their respective projects, showcasing the achievements and collaborations made across i-sense over the past decade. Talks on the Education Alliance, Partnership Resource Fund and public engagement also provided valuable insights into the collaborative efforts undertaken by i-sense to nurture talent and support the translation of research into impactful real-world solutions.